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Easter Sunday with family

The last time we met with my primo hermano Pedro and my nephew Miguel was back in June of 2007 when Nicolas had his Make A Wish wish granted. Pedro and Migo drove from Baltimore to meet us at the Steam Boat Hotel in Strasburg Pennsylvania. We spent the afternoon together and that was the last time we saw each other until this 2012 Easter Sunday, what a fun and merry ocasion!

Migo and Nicolas started chatting and playing as if they had never been apart but a couple of days ago. We also met Debbie, her sister and sister's husband. They had brought food that Pedro had already cooked that he knew I would love. It is one of my father's receipies from his restaurant and that's what we feasted on including Nicolas who commented on how delicious the food was!

It isn't a family reunion without some dancing so Pedro and I got to it. The Salsa songs started and we got busy busting moves and recounting memories of when we we were kids and attended street parties with chaperones -in my case.


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Revised: July 11, 2010 Background from
Midis from Jack's "MIDI Music"
Fire And Other Emergency Services Tunes