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Friday Pictures: Lavina Takes Her First Bath - June 28, 2013

Lavina has been in our family for 2-1/2 weeks now. She is still hand fed every 2 to 3hrs but apart from that, she is independant. She flies all around the aviary and has learned how to turn in mid flight. She is still not drinking water yet or eating seeds although she is getting ready for that. A major milestone happened today, she took her first bath during one of those afternoon rains. Did you know that young birds cannot take baths because they can drown? Baby birds need to mature enough in order to be able to learn how to drink water or take a bath without drowning.

So in the afternoon it started to rain and Jamie -who loves to get sprinklered- stood near the edge of the balcony to catch some rain drops. Lavina followed Jamie's example and stood nearby too and then decided to step in and splash in one of the puddles in the enclosed balcony. That water was dirty, disgustingly filthy but she didn't care, she splashed and got her first bath. Totally sweet to se her dip her tail and wings. We were lucky to have the camera handy. Enjoy looking at the pictures!


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